why students lack interest in studies

Some children are raised without siblings; for this reason, some children choose to spend their time by themselves rather than socializing. Some children struggle to go to school because they are insecure about themselves. Students must socialize and form friendships with their peers from the very first day of class. Studying is greatly aided by … Read more

Reasons to Study Science

What motivates us to study science? Challenge B students (those who are 13 years of age and older) get a wealth of amazing scientific knowledge throughout the Research strand, which aids in their understanding of the world and helps them develop into better researchers. This article examines the research Challenge B students do on the … Read more


Thousands of young international students are choosing to study in Germany because of the country’s numerous highly regarded universities, booming nightlife, and historic cities. Germany has emerged as one of the top study destinations for international students in recent years. More specifically, it’s the third most sought-after location! We’ll be looking at some of the … Read more